Tourism & Wildlife

Tourism & Wildlife

EAC and Tourism & Wildlife Management

East Africa has recorded impressive achievements in the realm of tourism owing to the conscious efforts by EAC Partner States to work together in promoting growth in the sector. The tourism sector contributes an average of about 17% to export earnings and makes a substantial contribution to the GDP averaging at around 9.5%. It generates about 7% of employment in the region. The success of the tourism sector has benefited from immense private sector investments in hotels, transportation, marketing and product development, and dedicated government efforts in conservation. One of the priorities of the EAC is promoting its Partner States as a single destination, where tourists can visit various sites across EAC Partner States easily and cheaply through a single multi-entry visa system thereby creating benefits across the region for the tourism sector. In addition, Partner States have agreed on joint promotion of tourist attraction sites, the adoption of EAC preferential rates for EAC citizens, which are applicable to public tourist sites such as parks and museums, and harmonisation of criteria for Hotels as well as other accommodation establishments. EAC activities are guided by the EAC Tourism Marketing Strategy that was adopted by Partner States in 2021.

The German Government supports this EAC Sector under Core Area 1 of EAC-German cooperation as defined by BMZ 2030 – “Sustainable Economic Development, Training and Employment” in the Intervention Area of “Socially and Environmentally Sound Supply Chains, Trade and Sustainable Infrastructure”. The cooperation directly contributes to implement two of the eight priority areas defined by the 6th EAC Development Strategy, namely “Strengthening Productive and Social Sectors” and “Awareness Creation”. The BMZ 2030 reform strategy focuses on a new quality of cooperation. More information on BMZ 2030 can be found here.

EAC-Germany Support

Tourism Promotion & Marketing

Tourism Promotion & Marketing

As an answer to a decline in tourism due to the COVID-19 pandemic, EAC and Partner States have developed the EAC Tourism Marketing Strategy (2021 –2025) which envisions the EAC region to be the leading sustainable tourism destination in Africa. The strategy emphasizes on developing multi-destination regional tourism products that will be marketed to intra-regional and international markets. In line with this, EAC is aiming to strengthen the institutional and private sector capacity in the region to develop and jointly market regional tourism products. Additionally, building a strong EAC tourism destination brand that considers the Partner States’ unique identity and distinctiveness will attract visitors from the region and globally. 



Objective: Positioning and marketing the EAC as a leading regional and global single tourism destination in Africa to increase visitations to key tourist sites and consumption of tourism services by regional and international markets.

Approach: SEAMPEC II together with the EAC and in close collaboration with the East African Tourism Platform (EATP) undertake various initiatives to promote regional and global tourism through the implementation of activities guided by the EAC Tourism Marketing Strategy. Regional marketing campaigns are developed and implemented which call upon East Africans to visit their region. Additionally, a global brand promoting the EAC region is to be established to attract more visitors from the whole globe. Sensitization and capacity building of the respective private sector stakeholders regarding product development and tourism marketing are implemented to support the implementation of the Marketing Strategy.

Activities include:

  • Developing a global EAC tourism destination branding.
  • Increasing awareness among EAC citizens of signature products and experiences by promoting the EAC region (e.g., production and distribution of promotional videos, support to promotional activities of EATP).
  • Development of an e-catalogue for EAC preferential rates.
  • Promoting the EAC region by participating in annual regional/international fairs.
  • Facilitating exchange with other RECs on domestic and regional tourism.
  • Enhancing capacity of EAC Tourism private sector stakeholders including services providers, local communities, women, and youth.

Find more information on SEAMPEC II here

Cross-Border Tourism

Cross-Border Tourism

Tourism is a key income stream for EAC Partner States. Hence, building the industry and creating benefits for tourism operators and citizens within the Common Market has been a focus for the EAC. Ongoing efforts include market access for EAC Tourism Services providers without discrimination based on nationality as well as harmonising the standards in the region by developing common criteria for the classification of tourist accommodation establishments and restaurants. This guarantees a quality standard and predictability in the expected quality of service in the region. However, there is need to promote more cooperation and collaboration to exploit the regional potential as well as resource sharing and joint efforts for resource conservation. Tour operators should therefore be able to move and provide their services in the region without cumbersome barriers and be able to utilise and leverage on the available potential the region has to offer.



Objective: Develop joint proposals to remove barriers and restrictions for EAC tour operators for provision of services in the EAC region.

Approach: SEAMPEC II facilitates the free movement of tourism services and services providers through the removal of barriers and restrictions such as registration requirements for tour operators and tour guides. Activities include:

  • Adoption of minimum standards for the tourism sector including licensing and registration for selected categories such as tour operators and tour guides.
  • Review of the EAC classification criteria for tourism accommodation establishments and restaurants.
  • Encourage the remaining EAC Partner States to join the Single Tourism Visa by reviewing the study on introduction of the Single Tourism Visa.
  • Development of a Regional Tourism Barometer to enable better decisions and gauge the effectiveness of policies, strategies, actions and leadership as it pertains to tourism development.
  • Capacity development for selected ministries, agencies and operators in the Tourism Sector.

Find more information on SEAMPEC II here